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    Total 25 Records Found

    Herald of Library Science
    Published by: Lucknow, P. Kaula Endowment for Library and Information Science (India)
    Subject: Library And Information Sciences
    Language: English
    Published: 1962
    ISSN: 0018-0521

    Available at 111 Universities.

    Annals of Library Science and Documentation
    Published by: New Delhi, Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (India)
    Subject: Library And Information Sciences
                  Computers - Information Science And Information
    Published: 1954
    ISSN: 0003-4835

    Available at 100 Universities.

    Physics Education
    Published by: New Delhi, South Asian Publisers Pvt. Ltd. (India)
    Subject: Physics
                  Education - Higher Education
    Published: 1984
    ISSN: 0970-5953

    Available at 55 Universities.

    Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Abstracts
    Published by: New Delhi, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (India)
    Subject: Medical Sciences - Abstracting
    Language: English
    Published: 1979
    ISSN: 0250-4367

    Available at 66 Universities.

    Published by: Bombay, The Marg Foundation (India)
    Subject: Architecture
    Language: English
    Published: 1946
    ISSN: 0025-2913

    Available at 65 Universities.

    Indian Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. Mathematical Sciences
    Published by: Bangalore, Indian Academy of Sciences (India)
    Subject: Mathematics
    Language: English
    Published: 1934
    ISSN: 0253-4142

    Available at 79 Universities.

    Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
    Subject: Sciences: Comprehensive Works
    Language: English
    ISSN: 0036-8075

    Available at 97 Universities.

    Bulletin of Materials Science
    Published by: Bangalore, Indian Academy of Sciences (India)
    Subject: Engineering - Engineering Mechanics And Materials
    Language: English
    Published: 1979
    ISSN: 0250-4707, 0973-7669

    Available at 91 Universities.

    Sadhana: Indian Academy of Sciences. Section C, Engineering Sciences
    Published by: Bangalore, Indian Academy of Sciences (India)
    Subject: Engineering Science Sciences: Comprehensive Works
    Language: English
    Published: 1978
    ISSN: 0256-2499, 0973-7677

    Available at 83 Universities.

    Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
    Published by: Springer (India) Private Ltd. (India)
    Subject: Mathematics
    Language: English
    Published: 1970
    ISSN: 0019-5588, 0975-7465

    Available at 96 Universities.